Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Saturday, 28 August 2010
what a day
Thursday, 26 August 2010
The day after...

Wednesday, 25 August 2010
the day everything changed
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
how to enjoy flyering...

Monday, 23 August 2010
Lee Shambles of an Evening...
Sunday, 22 August 2010
sunday fun.
Saturday, 21 August 2010
busy gimps
Friday, 20 August 2010
Road to Recovery
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Response to Guardian article.
On 18th August 2010 this article appeared on The Guardian website. The following is our response.
We don’t normally comment on people’s opinions of our work. We are generally just happy people have seen the show and responded. Positive or negative, for us, live performance is about response and audience reaction.
However, in this case we need to make an exception. Not because we are in anyway annoyed that you didn’t find the show funny (we are a little upset that our complexions weren’t up to scratch, but that’s beside the point). However there is the implication that we are, at worst, glorifying sexual assault or child abuse, and at best, not bothered. This could not be further from the truth.
We think very carefully about what we put on stage. What social conventions are we challenging? How are we asking the audience to look at and challenge themselves? If art is about providing insight into the human condition, then comedy is about doing this through (often involuntarily) laughter.
Our work steers clear of “the middle ground”. We try to make work that is either very silly or very dark. Light observation and “Do you remember when...” are not to our taste or strength. The audience reaction is often intellectual or sentimental – these are not particularly active responses. We like an audience to respond from the heart and then process this. We like causing strong reactions. It is what live performance does best; this is why we do it and watch it.
When we are dealing with the darker sketches in rehearsal we really challenge each other as to who is the victim of the joke. Many of these pieces we have been working on for a year, trying them with audiences and talking to them. These are not gleeful, poorly thought out horror gags.
The second part of the mentioned Sleeping Beauty sketch is very simply a picture of the horrors of sexual assault and is designed to challenge the laugh at the end of the first one. The laugh / groan this gets indicates the audiences’ self-awareness in this moment and the sketch that references child abuse is an extreme moment, but we then acknowledge the fact there is a “line” by announcing it on the screen and punishing the performers immediately.
The one sketch with semen in it is very simply a pun and falls into the silly category. This laugh may well relate to porn’s increased viewing figures, but we doubt that laughs relating to sexual assault and child abuse have anything to do with internet porn. These were both issues in society and the public consciousness long before we were born and not most people’s standard porn fare.
Sorry you didn’t like the show, but I hope you credit us with the intelligence and responsibility we take upon ourselves as artists and comedians.
Thank you for coming.
And thank you for writing about us.
David, Lee, Matt, Matt, Paul, Richard and Steve
Late Night Gimp Fight.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
fringe flu
Monday, 16 August 2010
short and sweet
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Time for something completely different...
Simply put, I can’t walk anymore.
It actually hurts to just be sat down.
This is all the fault of the dirty little bastards.
Steve here, the Gimpmaster (director). Two weeks with the boys has done for me. My body hates me. I’m going home.
It’s been a great two weeks of very odd notes and bizarre discussions, but I think we are all very proud of the show. We’ve had full houses and great responses (“Show it again, show it again”).
That doesn’t make it right though.
So here, through the power of blog I lay down my challenge to you boys.
Write next years’ show.
I dare you.
You are all in the same flat. You do nothing until 10 at night. You have a big bag of lube. Write it, write it, write it.
A final thought for each of you before I go...
Chubby Gimp – It’s your fault I can’t walk, never make me catch you again.
Posh Gimp – Write a sketch down, on some paper, it might be funny.
Techie Gimp – Grab Edinburgh and life by the balls, own it and call it Dave.
Sulky Gimp – Stop doing that thing you like to do with ham and the French.
Single Gimp – Shave off the beard, you aint Moses.
...that’s everyone.
Thanks boys.
I miss you in no way at all already.
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Whimsical Musings
Instead Im gonna talk about some of my favourite moments from this years fringe and there have been a fair few of them so far!
Where to start?
Lets start at the beginning. Apparently that's a very good place to start. When we first arrived, Edinburgh was all fresh and new and shiny and not infested by students and comedians. It's a really beautiful city to just wander around and I'd highly recommend it. Come for the New Years.
Then the festival began and the show has gone really well thus far. The video stuff that took such a long time to do has gone down an absolute treat and made all the effort worthwhile. Result!
Seen some really good shows, highly recommend Adam Riches and Colin Hoult along with Bane and Mcneil and Pamphillon.
Thats all the serious whimsical stuff done.
Now for the dirt.
My real favourite memories.
Every morning Paul and I draw a picture on the steamed up bathroom mirror as a present for eachother. My favourite so far has been recreating The Human Centipede with a certain gimp and his mum and dad but im not allowed to mention his name...
On a similar subject of Richard, we had the Campbell-gate saga of one of this weeks blogs. No one is taking responsibility for writing the list of things Richard might be doing instead of writing. I can hold my hands up and say it wasn't me though I would have been proud of that one! Watch this space for further details...
Lying in bed this morning I heard the saga of the non flushing toilet as 2 fully grown men both tried to urinate at the same time with dire consequences. Quote from Tizzle "It's going on my leg!"
Too many chilli con carnes. We had one last night. It was hot. Very hot. We then did a show where we spend 5 minutes locked in laundry bags. You do the math.
Took a walk up the Royal Mile to see people flyering. It was everything I remember from when I was a student. Man lying on floor covered in flyers? Check. Man stood still as statue with flyers in hand? Check. Amazingly hot girls in stockings and basques, pole dancing with flyers in hidden places? Actually no. There weren't. But if there were I'd be watching that show for sure! In fact I'm gonna go write that show now. After I take this cold shower...
Friday, 13 August 2010
Taking its toll
Anyway, after a big sleep, all the gimps woke up around midday and split up to see various shows. Matt, Dave and I watch Steve Pretty's excellent show The Origin of the Pieces at the GRV. A really fun hour with a fantastic finale! Catch it if you can!
We also received our first delivery at the Gimp Flat. We're all rather excited about the contents (see photo...)

Thursday, 12 August 2010
Where is Richard?
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
pickled eggs
Monday, 9 August 2010
Right on Cue.
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Lee does a blog.

Friday, 6 August 2010
hitting our stride
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Video killed the radio star
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
The Final Countdown....

Tuesday, 3 August 2010
tech tock, tech tock...
Monday, 2 August 2010
the calm before the storm
today was spent anxiously awaiting the arrival of this year's flyers and posters. for me personally (as i ordered them) this is always an angst-ridden, nervous wait in which i gnaw my nails to the bone worrying if the flyers will look any good, whether the posters were printed in the right size or indeed if they'll arrive at all. thankfully this year went without a hitch and 10,000 flyers and 200 posters are sat in our living room ready to be inflicted upon the people of edinburgh, after which they'll be inflicted upon the bin.
this afternoon matt and i headed out to put some posters up around town. the weirdest thing we saw when walking around was a car that had seemingly been lifted off the road, carried over the pavement and dropped into an alcove adjacent to the pavement. weirder still, if fitted perfectly into where it had been slotted as if a superhuman traffic warden had got creative when noticing an BMW M3 illegally parked one too many times. still, anything and everything is a potential publicity stunt at the fringe so i dutifully jumped over the railings and put a poster on the offending vehicle. job done.