not sure if this has come out in the pleasance times yet, but what the hell... here's the article.
Let’s face it. Flyering can be an interminable, soul-destroying experience designed to slowly break your spirit until you wish you’d never brought a show up to the Fringe. The punters are bored of it and the flyerers don’t want to be doing it. It’s awful. Unless...
If you can think up an inventive way of flyering that fits with the tone of your show and, crucially, you don’t mind doing... it can not only reap rewards in terms of audience figures, but can start a word-of-mouth buzz around your show and you may even start to enjoy doing it.
We discovered this after someone came up with the idea of flyering in gimp masks, on dog leads. One member of LNGF is the gimp, and one is the master. The gimp wears the mask, holds the flyers and is not allowed to talk. The master drags the gimp around the Pleasance Courtyard on a lead and pitches the show to people. He can also leave the gimp with punters to look after/ spank (whichever they prefer) and pose with the gimp for photos. All in all it’s a fun and effective way of reinventing an otherwise laborious process, and seems to be working better than ever this year. So if you see any gimps wandering around the courtyard... feel free to give them a spank!

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