What have we been up to you ask? Well....
Since Edinburgh a lot of very exciting things have happened. We're in the final stages of talks before signing with a management company- gimps with agents. imagine. We have done a LOT of gigs around the London circuit, We've planned what we'll be doing over the next twelve months, We've been mentioned on Channel 4 news (not in a piece about Rape, for once) and most recently, we performed at the Brighton Comedy Fringe.

We love performing down in Brighton, and this time was no different. The crowd down there are always really up for it; dark, smutty and drunk. Just how we like them. More importantly though, going down to Brighton means we get to go on the games and rides on Brighton Pier. Gimps love slot-machines and rides. Paul (who went to Disneyland Paris twice in twleve months. No-one's ever done that before or since) loves the waltzer, Matt (gambling addict) can't get enough of the slot machines and David lost five pounds trying to win a sweet that he could have just bought for ten pence. Still, you live and learn.
So we went on a ride. To give you an idea of just how exciting this was, here's a photo. Look at David's face. The ride hasn't even begun. The safety bar hasn't even been lowered. It was that fun. If that's wet your appetite then take a look at this video of us on the ride.
The two dates at the glorious Upstairs at Three and Ten went really well, the second particuarly so as it was sold out and the crowd were fantastic. We'll definitely be back in the new year.
So what next? Next week we're off to Ireland for the Galway Comedy Festival and the week after, on 30th October at the Pleasance Theatre we're doing the Edinburgh show in London for the very last time. Do come, it's bound to be eventful.
I think that's about all in the gimp news round-up. Oh- one more thing, Paul has a new nickname (which he hates, so definitely call him it)... "Junior".
Stay tuned for more gimp news soon- I think we might blog from Ireland actually, if the internet has reached that part of the world.
Lots of Gimp-love,
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